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Physical Activity and Performance

Physical Activity and Performance​

Our research in sports and exercise biomechanics complements our efforts in rehabilitation and assistive technology. This clinical biomechanics research is instrumental in advancing our comprehension of how physical activity impacts the human body. By focussing on the intricate mechanics of movement, we’ve gained invaluable insights for optimizing performance and injury prevention. We’ve equipped healthcare professionals with evidence-based tools to assess, diagnose, and effectively treat musculoskeletal conditions, leading to improved patient outcomes. Additionally, our ongoing work is focused on tailoring exercise programs for the elderly, addressing specific biomechanical challenges and ensuring safe and effective engagement in physical activities. In summary, clinical biomechanics stands as a cornerstone in promoting a healthy, active lifestyle across all age groups and abilities. 

Current Projects

Elderly Movement Literacy Assessment Tool (EMLAT)

The global increase in the elderly population, especially those over 85, underscores the need for strategies to promote healthy aging. While medical advancements have extended lifespans, physical function still declines with

Optimizing Cycling & Running Performance Through Personalised Footwear

Our research examined different shoe inserts and specialty running shoes to understand how they impact performance and injury risk during cycling and running. In one

Running performance: Influence of Footwear and Fatigue

We are currently engaged in a comprehensive research aimed at determining the interplay of footwear and fatigue on running performance. To achieve this, we are employing a
CBRT Staffordshire University