Through rigorous biomechanics research, our group has advanced understanding of spine function and the development of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). We have generated clinically relevant evidence characterizing three-dimensional spinal motion during functional activities like gait. Our novel approaches quantify regional intervertebral coordination and interactions using marker clusters and modelling. We continue elucidating AIS etiopathogenesis via studies analysing posture, propensity for deformation, and responses to physical therapy. Our contributions demonstrate the key role of biomechanics in translating basic insights into enhanced scoliosis screening, assessment, and care. We remain dedicated to unravelling biomechanical factors in AIS progression to optimize nonoperative treatment and prevent curve severity necessitating surgery. Our collaborative research will further the evidence base guiding clinical decision-making and improve the quality of life for individuals with scoliosis worldwide.
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